ARP Commissioning is an industry leader in the arena of Mechanical, Electrical, Plumbing and Building Management Systems.

Project: BP Khazzan, Oman

Location : Oman

Scope : Scope : Commissioning Management, TAB Services - Air and Water Balancing
Date : 2016
Type of Construction :

Project Description

The BP Khazzan project in Oman represents a significant endeavour in the development of natural gas resources, contributing to the country's energy production and economic growth. Located in the Khazzan field, this construction project by BP involves the extraction and processing of natural gas, utilising advanced technologies to optimise production efficiency and environmental sustainability.

Key Features:

  • Khazzan Operations Base, KOB - housing 9 individual buildings including Administration Offices, Canteen, Medical Centre, Substation, Energy Centre, Technical buildings
  • Khazzan Residential Complex, KRC - consisting of 14 individual buildings including accommodation blocks, Technical Buildings, Recreation Centre, Canteen, Recreation Building, Mosque, District Cooling plant.
  • Fire Station Complex
  • 33kV/415V Substation