ARP Commissioning is an industry leader in the arena of Mechanical, Electrical, Plumbing and Building Management Systems.

Indoor Air Quality Test

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Indoor Air Quality testing is a comprehensive assessment of the air within a building or enclosed space to evaluate the levels of various pollutants and determine if they meet established health and safety standards. IAQ testing is crucial for ensuring a healthy and comfortable environment for occupants.

Air Quality Monitoring:

  • Carry out Indoor Air Quality tests for particulates of different sizes, gases, and microbiology.
  • Physical Parameters - Ambient Temperature, Humidity and Air Movement
  • Particulate Matter, Measurement of airborne particles, including PM2.5 and PM10.
  • Ambient Gases - Carbon Dioxide (CO2), Carbon Monoxide (CO), Formaldehyde and VOCs
  • Identify the source of air pollutants
  • Recommend solutions for addressing the Indoor air quality problems identified
  • Provide solutions for the Indoor air quality issues found